Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Missing, Don't Flush!, -and- Catch Me If You Can

Missing - pensioner spends over seven years doing 5,000 piece jigsaw puzzle, then can't find final piece
Don't Flush! - Chinese student gets stuckin toilet trying to retrieve mobile phone
Catch Me If You Can - escaped woman hides in coffin to elude police

On this day in history: May 19, 1987 - Chet Fleming files for a patent on his method for keeping a severed head alive. The mechanism includes blood filtering, pumping equipment, and nutrient supply. Ultimately, US Patent 4,666,425 is granted.

Born on this day in history: May 19, 1987 - Nora Ephron (1941 - ) Director, screenwriter, author. Born on May 19, 1941, in New York, New York. A talented writer and director, Nora Ephron is known for her successful romantic comedies, such as When Harry Met Sally (1989) and Sleepless in Seattle (1993).

Scripture of the Day: The wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness. — James 3:17-18

Video of the Day: The Product Tester Mini Test: One Touch

Imagine my surprise when I encountered this scene at Walmart while journeying to my office this morning! Click to enlarge.

Technology News
Hotmail update adds cleanup, social features
Apple fixes 30 security holes, including an ancient one
Congress may roll dice, legalize 'Net gambling

Corning Skatepark Association
Be certain to vist the
Corning Skatepark Association Web Site!