Monday, June 08, 2009

Our Father, Thou Shalt Not Worship False Idols, -and- Mommie Dearest

Our Father - graduating students defy ACLU, recite the Lord's Prayer
Thou Shalt Not Worship False Idols - frog that changes colors worshiped as a god in India
Mommie Dearest - mother uses son to rob her date

On this day in history: June 8, 1986 - Former UN Secretary General and Nazi war criminal Kurt Waldheim is elected president of Austria. One year later, the U.S. Justice Department places him on a watch list of undesirable aliens, making Waldheim the first foreign head of state legally forbidden from visiting America.

Born on this day in history: June 8, 1867 - Frank Lloyd Wright (1867 - 1959) Born in Richland Center, WI, architect Frank Lloyd Wright studied with Louis Sullivan and founded his own Chicago practice in 1893. Influential through his love of natural textures, his mastery of organic architecture led to international fame. In 1949, Wright received the American Institute of Architects' Gold Medal.

Scripture of the Day: He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. - Micah 6:8

Video of the Day: Toadzilla - submitted by Cap'n Jack

Imagine my surprise when I encountered this scene while driving to my office this morning! Click to enlarge.

Zombieville U.S.A.

I admit that I take inordinate pleasure shooting zombies and watching their heads explode! As has been stated previously, no tears are shed over slain zombies! Over the weekend, I played Zombieville U.S.A. on my iPhone with incalculable zeal. I delighted greatly watching zombie brains spew forth from the blast of the shotgun—my weapon of choice. At one point, I had amassed 325 shotgun shells and was near the end of the 19th level. Suddenly, I was beset by four dark-green zombies (two from the front and two from the back), two white zombies from the rear, and three light-green zombies from the front! Yikes! I was unable to escape. They killed me and ate my brains!

While I reached level 19 several times, Laura remains the zombie-killing champion in our house. She has reached level 23. I must attempt to best her ranking!