Thursday, April 06, 2006

Hear No Evil, Open Wide!, -and- Grin and Bear It

Hear No Evil - monkeys snatch cell phones from zoo visitors
Open Wide! - 9000-year-old dental drill found
Grin and Bear It - strip-club owner wins seat on school board

New Bubble Breaker High Score: 2052!

The sun is shining! When I awakened this morning, I heard birds singing. I leaped from bed, drew back the drapes, and saw sunshine! What a welcome sight this was! Unfortunately, the sky to the north is filled with storm clouds. Perhaps they are moving northward. Time will tell, but for now the sunshine is wonderful!

Laura just called with some exciting news: Rachael Ray's producer from Food TV Network called her to request a six-pack of Sierra Nevada product to be featured in the August/September issue of Rachael's magazine, "Every Day with Rachael Ray"! Laura processed the request and ordered a copy of the show for the Sierra Nevada archives. One of Laura's responsibilities as assistant to the owner of Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. is the maintenance of the archives.