- Today is National Cheese Lovers Day! In the News - They walk among us! Enjoy- Relax and enjoy these images and videos!
The average American consumes about 31 pounds of cheese each year. That may seem like a lot, but for the average French person it’s 50 pounds!
There are more than 900 known cheeses in the world, and they can all be classified by texture.
Here are the primary classifications and some examples: fresh cheese (ricotta); soft cheese (feta); semi-soft cheese (Fontina); semi-hard cheese (Gouda); hard cheese (Cheddar); double or triple crème cheese (Brillat-Savarin); blue cheese (Gorgonzola); washed rind cheese (Limburger); and bloomy rind cheese (Brie).
People have been making cheese for at least 8,000 years!