Monday, April 07, 2008

Brave New Schools, Jaws of Death, -and- Short People

Brave New Schools - Maine middle school considering birth-control patches for 11-year-old girls
Jaws of Death - man saves wife from crocodile
Short People - world's smallest girl proud of her tiny size

On this day in history: April 7, 1989 - Soviet nuclear submarine Komsomolets sinks in the Norwegian sea, with two nuclear reactors and two nuclear torpedoes aboard. 41 crew members die, and the submarine remains one mile below the surface of the ocean, with its nuclear weapons intact.

Born on this day in history: April 7, 1964 - Russell Crowe (1964-) Born in Wellington, New Zealand, actor Russell Crowe began as a child actor, teen rock singer and in the Australian theater. Breakthrough film roles included 1992’s "Proof" and the controversial "Romper Stomper" (1993). He hit big in the U.S. in "L.A. Confidential" (1997), followed by starring roles in increasingly A-list Hollywood properties, notably "The Gladiator" (2000). Widespread rumors about Crowe’s brash personality have increased with his fame.

Scripture of the Day: For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. Therefore, he who rejects this instruction does not reject man but God, who gives you his Holy Spirit. - 1 Thessalonians 4:7-8

Video of the Day: Jedi Baseball - submitted by Amber

Will Condi Rice be the next Vice President of the U.S.? Click to enlarge.

The blog is late this morning! We had an issue with an electrical outlet in our kitchen, and I met with an electrician this morning at 7:30 AM. He quickly corrected the problem, and all is now well. This delayed the blog, however. For those who eagerly await it each weekday morning, I apologize.

We watched "Cars" in Blu-ray on our new home theatre equipment. This is easily the best movie with which to demonstrate the awesomeness of Blu-ray. We had seen the movie previously and enjoyed it a good deal, but viewing it in Blu-ray was an incredibly more exciting experience.

One of my brothers came to dinner on Saturday. We had grilled pork tenderloins and potato salad. I made the potato salad Friday afternoon, using baby red potatoes, celery, red bell pepper, red onion, white onion, peas, hard-boiled eggs, and dill pickles. For the dressing, I mixed mayonnaise, lime juice, Dijon mustard, wasabi paste, ground black pepper, Tony Chachere's More Spice, and celery salt. Laura dry-rubbed the pork tenderloins with Tony Chachere's More Spice, ground black pepper, garlic powder, and sea salt. She tossed them onto the grill and nicely charred the exterior. I completed the grilling process, while Laura prepared the table. It was a delightful meal. Following dinner, we watched "Disturbia" in Blu-ray. It was a very suspenseful movie. I recommend it.