Friday, July 06, 2007

Leftovers, Never Too Young, -and- Never Too Old

Leftovers - dinner guest finds bodies in freezer
Never Too Young - 11-year-old girl charged with DUI, 100-MPH chase
Never Too Old - 84-year-old man opens BB-gun range for kids

On this day in history: July 6, 1944 - Fire breaks out at a matinee performance of the Ringling Brothers, Barnum and Baily Circus burning 168 people to death, and injuring an additional 250. The main tent had been waterproofed with wax thinned by gasoline.

Born on this day in history: July 6, 1946 - George W. Bush (1946 - ____) 43rd US President. He was the first Governor in Texas history to be elected to consecutive four-year terms.

Today's Video: Sam the Bellhop - submitted by Frank

Here is a recent photograph of Parker. Parker is the daughter of Rachel and David Gideon—Laura's daughter and son-in-law. Click to enlarge.