Thursday, May 29, 2014

End of the Middle Ages Day, In the News, Enjoy, and Juicing

End of the Middle Ages Day - Today is End of the Middle Ages Day!

May 29, 1453 is considered by many historians to be the end of the Middle Ages and the Beginning of the Renaissance.

On this day, the city of Constantinople fell to the Ottoman Empire after being under siege for almost two months.

Because of the fall of Constantinople, the Byzantine (Greek) scholars migrated away from Constantinople. It had been their political center. This scattering encouraged studies of Greek culture outside of the Byzantine Empire and began a revival of learning based on classical Greek sources. This was the beginning of the Renaissance.

In the News - They walk among us!

  • Officer's Gun Goes off During Safety Talk at School
  • Woman Issued Citation for Comments on Facebook
  • London's Pollution Worse than Beijing's
  • Indian Court Asked to Rule Whether Hindu Guru Dead or Meditating
  • Snapchat Founder Mortified over Leaked Emails He Wrote

    Enjoy - Relax and enjoy these images and videos!

    Juicing - Laura and I shall begin a juicing regimen Saturday.