In the News Today
Brave New Schools - professor honored at halftime tossed from game for heckling
Somebody's Watching You - FBI tracks student with GPS device
About Face - Facebook "top cause" of relationship troubles
On this Day in History: March 9, 1997 - Notorious B.I.G. (Christopher Wallace) killed in a drive-by outside the Soul Train Music Awards in Los Angeles. The murder has never been officially solved, though an ongoing feud with Death Row Records may have had something to do with it.
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Born on this Day in History: March 9, 1964 - Juliette Binoche (1964 - ) Parisian actress Juliette Binoche got started on stage as a teenager and went on to stardom in André Téchiné's Rendez-vous (1985), which won Binoche a César. Binoche went on to international success in The Unbearable Lightness of Being (1988). Later films include The English Patient (1996), for which she won an Oscar, and Dan in Real Life (2007).
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Scripture of the Day
Video of the Day - submitted by Cindy
Imagine my surprise when I encountered this scene at Walmart while journeying to my office this morning! Click to enlarge.
Technology in the News Today
Adobe Flash Player 10.3 Beta adds greater control over "flash cookies"
Bill Gates no longer world's richest man due to philanthropy
Opera launches app store; iOS not included