Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The Eyes of a Ranger, Have It Your Way, -and- Paint the Town

The Eyes of a Ranger - Chuck Norris to appear on Hannity and Colmes tomorrow
Have It Your Way - Burger King sued for pot in cop's burgers
Paint the Town - $5 junk-shop purchase could net woman fortune

On this day in history: November 8, 1991 - Convicted crack smoker Marion Barry, who served six months in prison in 1990, is re-elected mayor of Washington D.C.

Born on this day in history: November 8, 1900 - Margaret Mitchell (1900 - 1949) novelist. She won Pulitzer for her only book "Gone with the Wind," 1936.

Today's Video: Pre-school Political Ad

NEW FEATURE: The videos are now available via the link "Amazing and Amusing Videos" in the Links section, below the visitor counter.

If you receive an email announcing the cost-of-living increases scheduled for 2007 Social Security benefits—purported to be from the Social Security Administration—do not answer it, and do not click on any links in the email. It is a scam. The Social Security Administration on Tuesday warned of a new email scam in which recipients are asked to update their personal information or risk having their Social Security "account" suspended indefinitely by November 11. Recipients are then directed to click on a link in the email that takes them to a Web site designed to look like the Social Security Administration's Web site. The scam is a classic example of "phishing," whereby thieves send emails to consumers in which they claim to be from a bank or government agency. They then try to get the consumer to unwittingly give up valuable information, such as a Social Security or bank account number.