In the News Today: You Ain't Nothin' But a Hound Dog - man convicted of locking girlfriend in dog kennel
Haclers - Sony PlayStation users told to change passwords following network break-in
Error in Judgment - police hit wrong house, hold circuit court judge at gunpoint
Technology in the News Today:
Microsoft warns of "Modern Warfare 2" phishing attacks
A ride in the car of the future
iBuyPower and Walmart bring custom gaming PCs to the masses
On this Day in History: April 27, 1986 - During a live TV special, journalist Geraldo Rivera opens Al Capone's vault beneath the Lexington Hotel in Chicago. He finds nothing inside, apart from a few empty bottles.
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Born on this Day in History: April 27, 1927 - Coretta Scott King (1927 - 2006) Civil rights activist Coretta Scott King may be best known as widow of slain leader Martin Luther King, Jr. She also had a distinguished career in activism in her own right. After her husband's death, King worked at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change in Atlanta, and was a TV commentator on CNN.
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Scripture of the Day:
Video of the Day: -
Imagine my surprise when I encountered this scene at Walmart while journeying to my office this morning! Click to enlarge.
Fresh Bread: Laura quickly acquainted herself with our new bread machine and produced a stellar loaf of cranberry-walnut bread.(Click to enlarge)